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IPL has over the years gained a solid know-how and highest quality level, which has provided access to participating in numerous interesting projects in Sweden and abroad.
The images show examples from some of our projects and project categories.
Se also the  IPL History.

Reference Abstract:

  • Vattenfall, Ringhals and Forsmark Nuclear Power Pants, Sweden
  • Preem Gothenburg and Lysekil Refinaries, Sweden 
  • Gothenburg and Varberg Harbours, Sweden
  • Vard, Ullstein and Kleven Shipyards, Norway
  • Aker, Aibel, GMC Maritime, Offshore yards, Norway
  • FLSmidth Cement mills and Mineral mines, Worldwide
  • Andritz Oy, Finland
  • Södra Cell Papermill, Sweden
  • Processkontroll Sweden and Norway
  • Semco, Norway
  • Midroc El, Sweden
  • YIT, Sweden
  • Alstom Power, Denmark and Sweden
  • GEC/Alsthom Great Belt Bridge, Denmark
  • Svevia, Sweden